Goals of the Pious Association of Saint Louis IX
- Sanctification of its members by means of the imitation of the virtues of Saint Louis IX through works of penance, charity and mercy.
- Sharing in the spiritual works of the Association by making an offering to the Perpetual Mass Fund, from which masses are offered through the hands of Saint Louis IX to obtain the blessings that its members seek from Jesus Christ, the King of Kings.
- Supporting needy priests, by offering them Mass Stipends, for masses offered in honor of Saint Louis IX to obtain these blessings.
- To promote the knowledge of the horrific suffering and needs of persecuted Christians, world wide and to encourage members to participate in humanitarian works for their assistance and defense.
History of the Pious Association of Saint Louis IX
Saint Louis IX, King of France is the principal patron of Ordo Militaris Catholicus, being the inspiration for all Catholics and indeed all Christians of all times to take up the Cross in the service and protection of persecuted Christians.
As the most famous and holy Catholic King of France, Saint Louis IX excelled all other monarchs of Europe, past and present, by organizing and participating in two Crusades, the Seventh and the Eighth. So ardent was his zeal to defend persecuted Christians overseas that he spent more than 6 years of the entire Kingdom of France and in addition gave his own life, on his last Crusade, dying of dysentery at Tunis, in North Africa.
As such he is an outstanding example of valor, charity, hope, faith and zeal in the service of the most needy of Christians, for there is no greater mercy than to come to the help of persecuted Christians.
As Catholics, we are wont to associate in pious religious organizations to promote our own sanctification and the works of mercy. Since our entire Order is dedicated to such works of mercy, it is only fitting that we sponsor the foundation of Pius Association of the Faithful, to eventually be recognized by ecclesiastical authority, to promote the sanctification of the faithful in the footsteps of so great a Saint and Crusader.
A Pious Association can only be founded in Church law when a group of the faithful, residing within the boundaries of the same Diocese, decides to form such a private association of the faithful. Next, with the blessing of their local bishop, they ask for and obtain the official approbation of the Church as a pious association of public right.
At the future Headquarters of the Pious Association, our Chaplain will offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass daily for members, and work to encourage all the faithful to do penance for their sins by helping persecuted Christians, after the wonderful example of piety and humility of Saint Louis IX!
To obtain these great blessings it will be necessary to recruit a Chaplain, rent or purchase a property and raise the funds to maintain him and the headquarters of this spiritual association, which will be supported by, but financially independent of our Order.
So you can see the unimaginable and tremendous spiritual benefits for the members of the Association and the whole Church if we can found such an Association.
But we cannot do it without your generous support!
To this end, our founders are asking all our members, supporters, friends and relatives to consider assisting in the foundation of this spiritual association by a generous donation, in honor of Saint Louis IX, King of France, asking for his intercession in this endeavor. We launched this appeal with a Novena to Saint Louis IX, from August 16 to 24, 2024 A. D.. — SEE BELOW to join the Association! — For Days 1-9 of the Novena: look here for episodes.
Novena Prayer to Saint Louis IX
O Glorious and blessed Saint Louis IX Crusader King, who sent your finest knights to lead at the forefront of the Christian army, deign to remember the members of the Association of the Faithful which bears your name and who would like to walk in the ways of your holiness, to better serve the Lord God, and our Lady, Holy Mother Church. Give us more horror of mortal sin than of mortal death, and keep us pure as the lilies of your coat of arms. You who kept your word, even when given to an infidel, make sure that no lie passes our lips, even if honesty costs us our lives.
Brave man unskilled in retreats, cut the bridges to our pretenses, and let us always march toward the hardest part which is true Christian virtue. O most worthy of French kings, inspire us to despise what men think of us and give us the taste for humbling ourselves to take up the Cross for the honor of Christ.
Finally, noble Prince with a big heart, do not allow us to ever be mediocre, petty or vulgar, but inspire us with your noble generosity to serve Christ the King nobly following your example. Amen.
How to Assist in the Foundation of the Pious Association of Saint Louis IX
- $2000 USA for a Website dedicated to the work of the Association, with its own IP, Domain Name and Multimedia Capabilities, for video, membership subscriptions, sale of Icons, Holy Cards, Books, etc. about the Saint.
- Another $1200 USD so that we can arrive at Masses offered for the entire year of Aug. 25, 2024- Aug. 24, 2025.
- Funds for a physical Headquarters to house our chaplain priests (retired Catholic clergy of good reputation) and serve for our logistical and organizational operations. We need at least $50,000 USD a year for this.
All donors to this Appeal are inscribed as Founding Members of the Pious Association of Saint Louis IX, and share in each of the Masses offered through the hands of Saint Louis IX Crusader King to Christ the Lord King of King as well as all the good works of the Association in promoting authentic Crusading virtue and the Defense and Assistance of Persecuted Christians in the footsteps of the Saint.
All donations will be placed in a 501(c)(3) purposed dedicated fund which will be kept in escrow and donated entirely to this Pius Association, which will have the status of a non profit entity. No part of these funds will be used by our Corporation for any other purpose.
To Make a Donation, see the Association’s Page at Ordo-Militaris.US.